
Matthew about the beginning

The aviation path of Matthew started from flying radio-control planes. He built them and just enjoyed controlling and flying fast these small aircraft. However, that time, he didn’t plan to become a professional pilot. One day, he took an aviation class at his high school and during the lessons, he realized that he loves learning and finding out more about aviation itself. He liked studying different systems of the aircraft. Finally, Matthew decided to become a pilot.

When we went on a trip and saw a plane in the sky I was like, man it would be so cool to fly that! And now I am the one flying it. So it’s cool to switch from looking at it to actually doing it.

Matthew about choosing the flight school

Matthew advised those who want to become a pilot, definitely look thoroughly every single school, every single instructor, type of plane and take everything into consideration.

Make sure you pick a school you love.

Matthew about Flying Academy

The first time he had a lesson at Flying Academy, he knew that he loved everything about it and it was awesome because he knew he could actually fly a plane. He looked at other schools and they were too expensive and didn’t provide him with the same freedom he craved.

Here in Flying Academy, I found that it is more laid-back and it works around your schedule.

Matthew about his goal

While speaking with Matthew, he said that his goal is probably to work in the airlines or corporate flying. He grew up doing 3D aerobatic flying, so he loves to kind of link back to that as well.

Am I going to be the best pilot? I would just say that no one really cares. If it makes you happy and you want to do it, then do it.


Matthew desde el principio

El camino de la aviación de Mateo comenzó desde los aviones de control de radio. Los construyó y solo disfrutó controlando y volando rápido estos pequeños aviones. Sin embargo, esa vez, no planeaba convertirse en un piloto profesional. Un día, tomó una clase de aviación en su escuela secundaria y durante las lecciones, se dio cuenta de que le encanta aprender y descubrir más sobre la aviación en sí. Le gustaba estudiar los diferentes sistemas de la aeronave. Finalmente, Matthew decidió convertirse en piloto.

Cuando salimos de viaje y vimos un avión en el cielo, era como, hombre, ¡sería genial volar eso! Y ahora soy yo quien lo vuela. Así que es bueno pasar de mirarlo a hacerlo realmente.

Matthew acerca de elegir la escuela de vuelo

Matthew aconsejó a aquellos que quieren convertirse en pilotos, definitivamente mirar detenidamente cada escuela, cada instructor, tipo de avión y tomar todo en consideración.

Asegúrate de elegir la escuela que amas.

Matthew sobre Flying Academy

La primera vez que tuvo una lección en Flying Academy, supo que le encantaba todo y que era increíble porque sabía que en realidad podía volar un avión. Miró a otras escuelas y eran demasiado caras y no le proporcionaron la misma libertad que él ansiaba.

Aquí en Flying Academy, descubrí que es más relajado y funciona de acuerdo con tu horario.

Matthew sobre su meta

Mientras hablaba con Matthew, dijo que su objetivo es probablemente trabajar en las aerolíneas o en vuelos corporativos. Creció haciendo vuelos acrobáticos en 3D, por lo que también le encanta enlazar con eso.

¿Voy a ser el mejor piloto? Solo diría que a nadie le importa. Si te hace feliz y quieres hacerlo, hazlo.


Мэтью о начале

Авиационный путь Мэттью начинался с летающих радиоуправляемых самолетов. Этим маленьким самолетам. Однако он не планировал становиться профессиональным пилотом. Он учился на уроке авиации в своей средней школе, и он понимал, что любит учиться и узнавать больше о самой авиации. Он любил изучать разные системы самолета. Наконец Мэтью решил стать пилотом.
Когда мы отправлялись в путешествие, и это было очень здорово! Я летаю на нем. Чтобы посмотреть, как это происходит.
Мэтью о выборе летной школы
Нужно внимательно изучать каждую школу, каждого инструктора.
Убедитесь, что вы выбрали школу, которую вы любите.
Мэтью о Летающая Академия
Летающая академия, он знал, что ему все в этом нравится, и это было потрясающе, потому что он знал, что может летать на самолете. Он смотрел в других школах.
Здесь, во Академии Полетов, я обнаружил, что это более непринужденно и работает в соответствии с вашим графиком.
Мэтью о своей цели
Он сказал, что его цель, вероятно, – работа в авиакомпании или корпоративный полет. Он вырос, занимаясь пилотажем в 3D.
Собираетесь стать лучшим пилотом? Я бы сказал, что никому нет до этого дела. Если ты хочешь сделать это, то делай это.
The aviation path of Matthew started from flying radio-control planes. He built them and just enjoyed controlling and flying fast these small aircraft. However, that time, he didn’t plan to become a professional pilot. One day, he took an aviation class at his high school and during the lessons, he realized that he loves learning and finding out more about aviation itself. He liked studying different systems of the aircraft. Finally, Matthew decided to become a pilot.

When we went on a trip and saw a plane in the sky I was like, man it would be so cool to fly that! And now I am the one flying it. So it’s cool to switch from looking at it to actually doing it.

Matthew about choosing the flight school

Matthew advised those who want to become a pilot, definitely look thoroughly every single school, every single instructor, type of plane and take everything into consideration.

Make sure you pick a school you love.

Matthew about Flying Academy

The first time he had a lesson at Flying Academy, he knew that he loved everything about it and it was awesome because he knew he could actually fly a plane. He looked at other schools and they were too expensive and didn’t provide him with the same freedom he craved.

Here in Flying Academy, I found that it is more laid-back and it works around your schedule.

Matthew about his goal

While speaking with Matthew, he said that his goal is probably to work in the airlines or corporate flying. He grew up doing 3D aerobatic flying, so he loves to kind of link back to that as well.

Am I going to be the best pilot? I would just say that no one really cares. If it makes you happy and you want to do it, then do it.


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